Contact Bamboobino
If you have any questions or comments, please email us.
To order by phone: Please call 604-551-3882
"Your Customer service is impeccable!" - Stephanie, Baden, ON
"Just a quick note to let you know that the Bamboobino (shower) gift was a great success. Thanks for being so accommodating!" - Susan, Vancouver
"Again, not only are your products worth their weight in gold, but your customer service is at the top of my list!" - Joanna, Fort Worth, TX
"The logo is soooooo cute. The products are soft and as just they were pictured on the website. We love how simple, yet nice looking all the items we purchased are. We are stocking up for our first baby (just found out it's going to be a girl!) The e-mails from Sharon regarding the order being placed and shipped were very helpful." Diana, Seattle
For Wholesale inquiries, please email wholesale(at)
"We received our shipment in yesterday, the new items we brought in are sooo beautiful!" - Jennifer
"Sharon, I love your gorgeous products, and I always include Bamboobino products in my top list of recommended gifts for new mom and baby." - Rachael
"They are still selling like hotcakes... Thanks Sharon! Everyone loves your products!" - Jen
Bamboobino is seeking licensees - if you are interested in becoming a licensee please email sharon(at)